- thrbrasil.org Brazil versus rest of the world🇪🇸 Brazil versus the rest of the world THR BRAZIL - Tobacco Harm Reduction Brasil Veja 40 scientific articles that contradict the statements of the Ministry of Health and the conclusion of their own conclusions or the Ministry of Health of Brazil
- typepad.com It's official: It's over in NJ for Vaping I post the link to this video posted on YouTube by vape-shop owner and expert Jai Haze where he explains so eloquently and strongly all the negative consequences of a vape ban in New Jersey without any health benefits but many bad consequences :(
- dampforum.nu Vapors in Sri Lanka🇳🇱 Anyone have experience with this? Read conflicting messages some sites say it's possible and some sites say it's forbidden. No sense in jail there 🤦
- dampforum.nu Fumes in Sri Lanka🇳🇱 Anyone have experience with this? Read conflicting posts some sites say it can and some sites say it is banned. Don't feel like ending up in prison there 🤦
- typepad.com Rendez-vous #26 with Michelle Hughes Rendez-vous #26 with Michelle Hughes
I found out about Michelle via twitter where she introduces herself that way: "Vaping saved my life after a COPD diagnosis. I'm an Author, Former Respiratory Therapist, Mother to Five, God Bless America